Beautifully Quiet Ice:

26th of August 2015

Scotsman’s new hotel guest self-serve ice machine is user-friendly, hygienic and quiet

Scotsman DXG35 ice dispenser from Hubbard SystemsMaking sure guests have a ready supply of ice is increasingly important in today’s hotels. Usually the self-serve unit will be placed in lobbies, lounges or hotel bedroom corridors, and usually most of the ice will be taken at night. So apart from ensuring that the ice itself is top quality, hotel owners are looking for machines that are easy to use, as hygienic as possible and operate quietly – to minimise disruption for other guests.

Now Hubbard Systems has launched a new Scotsman ice dispenser, the DXG35, that’s designed to deliver the ideal self-serve ice provision in hotels while making superior ice cubes, in the form of crystal clear, long lasting gourmet supercubes. Its stainless steel exterior is attractive and tough while the simple electromechanical controls ensure reliability and consistent production. The DXG35 can produce up to 30kg of ice per day – the equivalent of 1500 x 20g supercube ice cubes – and has an 11kg storage bin, allowing it to cope easily with peaks in demand.

Operation is very user-friendly and hygienic. Guests simply place their glass in the dispensing area and push the button. The system automatically dispenses the cubes, minimising handling.

The DXG35 operates quietly even during the ice harvest cycle, thanks to a new design of internal deflector that minimises noise caused by cubes dropping into the storage bin.

Scotsman’s ‘designed-in simplicity’ means maintaining and installing the ice dispenser is easy, too. For example, on the air-cooled version the air-filter is easily removable, from the front, for cleaning. The water system is protected by Scotsman’s patented anti-scale feature, while moulded plastic components are embedded with an AgION antimicrobial agent. Since the machine size is compatible with the industry standard, it can slot in to replace old dispensers. Water hoses and cables can be connected either through the side or the back of the unit and the adjustable legs mean the dispenser can sit directly on the floor, even if it is uneven.

The list price for the DXG35 is £ £4,238.