New unit can turn ice cubes into crushed ice in seconds.
Hubbard Systems’ Crushman 360 is a unit designed to be operable with any Dice or Supercube ice machine in the Scotsman range. It can turn ice cubes into crushed ice granules, in seconds.
In recent years there has been a huge increase in the applications of different kinds of ice in the hospitality industry. It can be difficult for locations with limited space to justify having two ice machines, but the addition of a Crushman is a simple way to add flexibility and expand their offering by utilising a variety of ice types.
The Crushman is a compact unit, 245mm wide and 490mm tall. Constructed entirely from stainless steel, it is designed to work in conjunction with ice machines in the Scotsman range and can convert 2kg Supercubes into granules in 20 seconds. At maximum production it can crush 144kg of ice in a 24 hour period.
The grinding head is adjustable to three levels of granulation; fine, medium and coarse. This makes it ideal for a wide range of uses, from cocktails and ice based drinks to storing and presenting fresh food and ingredients.
It is powered by a standard 13amp power socket, which makes installation simple in a wide variety of locations. Controlled via microswitches on the lid and door, it is almost foolproof in operation, making training and use simple, regardless of staff experience.