Hubbard launches EC and MXG ranges with XSafe technology
Scotsman has added to its ultra-hygienic XSafe range with the launch of EC and MXG versions, both of which make supercube gourmet ice cubes.
EC models are undercounter machines with self-contained storage bins, offering production rates of from 25 to 145kg of ice per day. Their integral drain water pump means they are much easier to install than conventional undercounter machines.
The MXGs are modular machines designed to sit on top of an ice storage bin. They offer production rates of from 152 to 400kg per day.
The XSafe technology uses ozone, generated by ultraviolet light, to create activated oxygen, which destroys bacteria and viruses while significantly inhibiting the growth of nasties like mould, mildew, yeast, slime and odours. Because the activated oxygen is blown throughout the ice machine, it creates an hygienic environment, enhancing the cleanliness of the ice and hence improving food safety.
In lab tests against known viruses XSafe technology has been found to eliminate 99.9 % respiratory viruses in 0.44 seconds and will eradicate coronaviruses.
The EC and MXG ranges are amongst Scotsman’s most popular lines. “That’s because the ice cubes they produce, supercubes, are the best for upmarket drinks presentation,” says Pete Gray, Managing Director of Hubbard Systems, “They are clearer and harder than standard ice, so they not only look great but also last longer, and because they melt slowly they don’t dilute the drink.”
EC models are popular because they are easy to install. Unlike ordinary ice machines, which have to be sited near to and above the drains, the EC’s integral pump means they can be sited some distance from the drains, and even at a lower level.
“Putting XSafe technology into both the EC and MXG ranges gives operators a comprehensive choice of sizes and capacities of gourmet ice makers with extra hygiene,” says Gray. “Ice hygiene has been under the microscope for some time. With Covid-19, it is even more important and XSafe is a practical and effective way to boost it.”
XSafe has been integrated into the EC and MXG models without any change to the external dimensions of the machines – which is an important consideration, since many ice makers need to slot into a pre-determined, industry-standard space.
To read more about Scotsman XSafe – CLICK HERE >>>>