Gourmet ice cubes, dice, superdice, cubelet, nugget, flake, superflake and scale: but which ice is best? Hubbard Systems offers ice adv-ice.
Apparently the Inuit really do have fifty or more words for snow. They’ll know there are lots of different types of ice as well – yet some foodservice operators think ice is ice. They’re wrong. For a start, there’s the very obvious difference between ice cubes and flake ice. But different cubes have different characteristics, too. Some are softer, some harder, some clearer and so on.
Hubbard Ice Systems, which markets Scotsman ice machines in the UK, reckons it’s time the market woke up and smelt the coffee. Or, in this case, the ice. The company has produced an update to its popular Guide to Ice, which is available to download from scotsman-ice.co.uk.
Ask an Inuit: they’d tell you that, just like the different types of snow, each type of ice has its own characteristics. When it comes to drinks and food service, that means there are things that a particular ice type will do well, and other things not so well. For example, because it’s so clear and long-lasting, gourmet ice is the best for drinks presentation – the classic ice for G&T. But it’s not so good for blended drinks, because it’s so harsh on blender blades – and it makes a hell of a racket getting blended. For blenders you want a different type of ice.
Then again, other ice cubes are better for bottomless drinks. Why? Because they’re quick to make and don’t need a big machine.
Want to know which one’s which? It’s all in the Hubbard Guide to Ice, available free from the downloads area at www.scotsman-ice.co.uk
Scotsman has machines making eight different types of ice: gourmet or supercube ice cubes, dice, superdice, cubelet, nugget, flake, superflake and scale ice. Plus there are machines making different sizes of cubes.